WMT Servers List
Here is a list of web-mapping testbed (WMT) servers that is current as of .
Most of these servers provide free access to their image repositories.
If a server is marked as "cascaded", it acts as a directory for one or
more other WMT servers and gives you pass-through access to them
automatically. Have fun!
- CubeWerx - cascaded
- http://www.cubewerx.com/wmt/cubeserv/cubeserv.cgi?
- NASA Digital Earth
- http://wmt.digitalearth.gov/cgi-bin/wmt.cgi?
- MIT Boston-Area Orthophotos and Color Coastkine Orthophotos
- http://ortho.mit.edu/server.cgi?
- WMT Interface Team - Map Servers
- A more detailed list of map servers.