MITOrthoTools for Arcview

Software Requirements

Files needed for Dialog Designer: For Windows 95 and NT, you need avdlog.dll in the bin32 directory and avdlog.dat in the lib32 directory. For UNIX, you need avdlog.dll in the bin directory and avdlog.dat in the lib directory.

Installation Directions

Files List


  1. Install Perl and the XML and LWP modules.
    • Perl is available from
    • The distribution should include the required packages by default, but if it doesn't you'll have to install them.
    • Use the Perl Package Manager by typing "ppm" at a command line. Type "query" to list installed packages.
    • After executing "ppm", type "install XML-Parser" and "install libwww-perl" to automatically download and install the packages.
  2. Alternatively, you can install the Java Run Time Environment (JRE) version 1.0 or higher.
    • Java is available from
    • All functionality is included in the JRE distribution.
  3. The USEREXT and AVEXT environment variables store the directories where Arcview looks for its list of available extensions. The .avx and .ini files must be installed in one of these directories.
  4. Copy the .pl and/or .jar file to the same directory, or any other directory of your choosing, e.g. c:\wmtmitortho.
  5. Edit the .ini file and change the directory settings to reflect your system set up.

Usage Instructions


Load the extension and then click the "S" icon to pick a WMT server to connect to. Choose which layer you want to retrieve. Retrieve images by clicking on the globe icon.

How to use

If the extension has been placed in the right location, it should appear in the extensions list. If not, review the installation instructions or the FAQ

Loading the extension adds two buttons to the view button bar:

To overlay your vector files with a downloaded image, one of two conditions must hold: